The best of Patchy Projects


Glow with the flow

An immersive exploration of the otherworldly creature: the Jellyfish. Get lured in by the bubbly beats of the Jelly Lounge.

paint roller remix

This installation uses modified paint-rollers, allowing you to "paint" on top of classic artworks, uncovering wild, remixed versions of those paintings.

Impossible shadows

This visualization tool uses body movement to create digital “shadows.” The shadows multiply and follow each other, giving the appearance of coming to life. 

bloom now

Using hand motions, people can explore the lifespan of each flower from bud to blossom.


Press Buttons. Make Circles.

tommy prickles

A recent transplant to Chicago, Tommy is a sharp dresser and a well-grounded individual.

light pong

A trippy take on the classic Pong that’s equal parts modern revamp and classic throwback to a simpler time in the video gaming world.